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Page 2 of Changing my free Antivirus recomendation

PCs & Mobiles Forum


RE: Changing my free Antivirus recomendation

Gareth Williams (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 25th July 2015, 20:33

Meh, I still use MSSE. Everything else prevents things from working properly, causes BSODs or nags me to upgrade every 5 minutes.

That combined with Common Sense Professional Edition has served me well for years.

RE: Changing my free Antivirus recomendation

RJS (undefined) posted this on Sunday, 26th July 2015, 07:55

Gareth Williams says...
"That combined with Common Sense Professional Edition has served me well for years"

I'm not sure relying on MSSE is mutually exclusive with using Common Sense Professional Ed. :)

But if "Lets 27% of all known active viruses in" is an acceptable risk for you, that's your call!

I think the important thing to understand is, if you absolutely only ever visit the giants like YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Ebay, Amazon, etc, and never ever click on a link that takes you off these sites, and are horrendously careful about opening any email or file you don't remotely trust, you're probably going to be fine.

But visit any PHP based forum, any website that can't afford to have a security team auditing them 24 hours a day worrying about things, or any website that carries advertising and you are at risk.

(Speaking from personal experience, ad networks only care about selling advertising space, they don't care about content providers, or people who see their adverts)

Dodgy malware and viruses regularly pop up on reputable ad networks via third party ad networks used to fill free space. Any website which uses PHP is a security risk, I'd say 99.9% of people who write and use LAMP stacks are close to clueless about attack vectors.

PHP forum software authors have a long history of not understanding even the basics of security, combine that with people who run them not keeping things up to date, and don't even get me started on Wordpress... :)


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This item was edited on Sunday, 26th July 2015, 08:57

RE: Changing my free Antivirus recomendation

sj (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 26th July 2015, 10:25

Gareth Williams says...
"Meh, I still use MSSE."


We will pay the price but we will not count the cost..

RE: Changing my free Antivirus recomendation

Chris Gould (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 1st August 2015, 17:14

I've now installed 10 on three systems and I've decided to use Bitdefender for its small footprint, but does anyone have any recommendations for good free personal firewalls. I was running an old corporate version of F-Secure for both AV/firewall, but that's not compatible with Win 10 so I'll have to find an alternative to both, especially when I upgrade the main PC.

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RE: Changing my free Antivirus recomendation

RJS (undefined) posted this on Saturday, 1st August 2015, 19:50

Chris Gould says...
"but does anyone have any recommendations for good free personal firewalls"

The inbuilt one is fine, I really don't think you need anything more.


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RE: Changing my free Antivirus recomendation

Chris Gould (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 1st August 2015, 19:59

You do if you want proper outbound notifications and the ability to easily tweak said. The Windows firewall is fine for inbound protection, but I like more granular control.

My Blu-ray Screenshot Site

RE: Changing my free Antivirus recomendation

Snaps (Elite) posted this on Monday, 17th August 2015, 12:14

Having recovered what I thought was a deceased Netbook (Samsung N130) I installed Avira on it.
Worst thing I ever did. Three weeks of slower than smoke signals, refusal to connect, freezing on any request to update. Even uninstalling didn't work. I've had to go to a recovery point before it was installed to get the damn thing to work. 
Back on Security Essentials.


My new Flash Fiction blog. All my own work

I used to be with it, but then they changed what `it` was.
Now, what I`m with isn`t it, and what`s `it` seems weird and scary

RE: Changing my free Antivirus recomendation

RJS (undefined) posted this on Tuesday, 18th August 2015, 08:07

Another bad experience with Kaspersky, it froze Skype on boot up, and then its own settings window, had to reboot and google for a solution to fix it.


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RE: Changing my free Antivirus recomendation

RJS (undefined) posted this on Wednesday, 30th December 2015, 09:15

Ah, good old AVG, what better thing to do as part of your antivirus package than add a Chrome extension which makes your browsing LESS secure than it was with nothing at all!


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RE: Changing my free Antivirus recomendation

RJS (undefined) posted this on Sunday, 24th January 2016, 15:18

Independent AV review Dec 2015:

Highest rated AV are Kaspersky and Bit Defender, personally I'd recommend the latter because the former has a few issues I'm not happy about.


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