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Page 1 of RIP Whoot aka Dave Neal :(

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RIP Whoot aka Dave Neal :(

admars (Elite) posted this on Monday, 12th February 2018, 21:12

Some of you will remember Whoot from years ago on these forums, we sporadically kept in touch, over the years since he left, and started again just before Christmas.

As some of you know he had battled cancer on and off for years, previously with success, from the tone of his recent emails to me, tweets, and blogs, it was sadly obvious, this time, it was not going well.

I hadn't heard from him in a while, I assumed the worst, but just in case he was just avoiding the internet, as he had bigger fish to fry, I reached out to one of his friends, who confirmed the worst:

Dave died early on the morning of 3 January, at the Hospice in the Weald in Kent, where he'd been for a few weeks beforehand. He'd been unconscious for a couple of days so he didn't suffer at the end.

He had "joked" about going to Switzerland if he could etc, it's a cliche, but from what he said, it's for the best :(

You can read some of his struggles on twitter and his blog. have tissues handy, some of it is very honest, and makes some uncomfortable reading

RE: RIP Whoot aka Dave Neal :(

RJS (undefined) posted this on Monday, 12th February 2018, 22:05

RIP Whoot. :(

You introduced me (and probably many others) to the acronym WWAW.

I hope you've found peace.


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RE: RIP Whoot aka Dave Neal :(

admars (Elite) posted this on Monday, 12th February 2018, 22:10

yes, he introduced me to wwaw, and Gangstagrass, I always thought of him when listening to it, and I always will now.

RE: RIP Whoot aka Dave Neal :(

sj (Elite) posted this on Monday, 12th February 2018, 22:34

RIP Whoot.

Heartbreaking read that admars.  'Here I am' especially.
Rob, can you find the original swan story from him, I need a laugh.
EDIT: Found it here!
I often wonder how some of the 'older' members are doing who haven't poasted in a while and weren't necessarily always in the best of health.  xfg for example.
EDIT2: some more names from the past in a rather sombre thread from whoot


This item was edited on Monday, 12th February 2018, 22:51

RE: RIP Whoot aka Dave Neal :(

admars (Elite) posted this on Monday, 12th February 2018, 23:05

I'll be honest, I didn't know whether to post it or not, and it's without doubt the most difficult post I've ever written, but I thought, that as he had put out there already what he was going through, and I asked a friend whether it was appropriate or not, and he gave the go ahead :) I thought I should.

I told whoot this, in an email, I had just been having a "chat" with him, and I went to Sainsbury's, there was a lady with a bucket collecting money for charity as there often is, I walked straight passed, as I normally do, then stopped, turned round, when I saw it was Marie Curie, I just had to put some money in, I remember they had been there for my nan in her last days, they had been amazing, and Whoot had had first hand experience of what Macmillan nurses do, and  ppl say how they have helped.

Reading Movember articles, true stories etc, it makes you think how lucky you are/how unlucky other ppl are.

many years ago, a friend of mine died from cancer. I was still at uni, he was in his first job after uni, it went undiagnosed for too long, as he had stomach pains, but basically young ppl didn't cancer round the colon/stomach area, so they didn't check for that :( I remember his aunt came to our house, to tell my parents, my dad had a conversation with her:
him: it doesn't seem fair.
her: what do you mean?
him: there's so many bad people out there, how can this happen to someone so young?

thankyou for the Swan post, I had forgotten about that, it's tears of laughter now :)

This item was edited on Monday, 12th February 2018, 23:08

RE: RIP Whoot aka Dave Neal :(

alfie noakes (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 13th February 2018, 09:42

Terrible news. I remember he intimated on here years ago that his cancer would eventually kill him, he obviously wasn't being melodramatic.

I had a friend die from cancer. She was 29. From diagnosis to her death was 9 months. Sadly she ignored symptoms in the early stages and I think breast cancer when young tends to be more aggressive. However, by the same token, my mum had cancer when I was a teenager and it recurred a few years later. She's still alive today. It's not always a death sentence and treatments are improving.

RE: RIP Whoot aka Dave Neal :(

dkuk2000 (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 13th February 2018, 10:48

R.I.P Whoot

This item was edited on Tuesday, 13th February 2018, 10:49

RE: RIP Whoot aka Dave Neal :(

Snaps (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 13th February 2018, 11:58

I seem to remember a certain wry sense of humour but others on here were obviously a lot closer to him.
If there's some kind of memorial page maybe a post to it on behalf of the forum Rob?


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RE: RIP Whoot aka Dave Neal :(

r8sso (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 13th February 2018, 13:33

Very sad to hear.

A lot of old names on that swan post! :)

RE: RIP Whoot aka Dave Neal :(

pat-w (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 13th February 2018, 17:29

: (

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