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Page 1 of Microsoft buying Activision Blizzard in $68.7B deal

Gaming and Consoles Forum

Microsoft buying Activision Blizzard in $68.7B deal

admars (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 18th January 2022, 20:27

Microsoft buying Activision Blizzard in $68.7B deal

I guess gaming is big business ;) I suppose it had the advantage of not getting hurt in the same was as many other industries, and sales may have increased.

makes the Bethesda buy out seem small fry, certainly worked from them in the past, buying companies, but I guess it means

Sony are going to have to start buying companies, or pay more silly money for proper exclusives

Nintendo have no choice but to go for their quirky stuff no one else does, their exclusive IP, hope more of the mobile developers keep flogging their phone games on switch.

I guess you could argue that's business as usual for Nintendo, they don't need to do a Sega yet, but Sony will feel it losing CoD etc

RE: Microsoft buying Activision Blizzard in $68.7B deal

sj (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 18th January 2022, 20:59

admars says...
"they don't need to do a Sega yet"
What is it you mean by that?  I'm guessing as needing to leave the console business and make games?
I'm pretty sure Switch was the best selling console last year.  Probably the year before.  And maybe the year before that.  And still sells for close to the same price as on original release - and the newer model sells for even higher than that.  Don't think they'll be doing a Sega anytime soon.

I'm not sure that Sony losing CoD is a given either - still a huge market for them.  Maybe earlier release/extra DLC etc.?


We will pay the price but we will not count the cost..

RE: Microsoft buying Activision Blizzard in $68.7B deal

admars (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 18th January 2022, 21:19

sj says...
"What is it you mean by that? I'm guessing as needing to leave the console business and make games?"

yeh, I was being facetious, there's often rumours of NIntendo pulling out of hardware especially when they don't have the AAA titles the others have, but as you say their sales show they're doing something right. (the girls are enjoying the GC at the moment!)Quote:
sj says...
"I'm not sure that Sony losing CoD is a given either - still a huge market for them. Maybe earlier release/extra DLC etc.?"
I suspect it will be like Bethesda, any current games, well under way, will be finished, but they won't release future games, on PlayStation, why would they, they'll want them as an exclusive so ppl buy the console and their games.

RE: Microsoft buying Activision Blizzard in $68.7B deal

sj (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 18th January 2022, 22:34

admars says...
"but they won't release future games, on PlayStation, why would they, they'll want them as an exclusive so ppl buy the console and their games.
I don't know if anyone knows how it will all play out, but one answer to 'why would they' would be if they would make more money from the millions of sales to PS users than extra X Box console sales.  They'll make money from every copy sold, no matter who it's to.
Consoles (Nintendo aside), at least for a while, are often sold at a loss anyway ironically.


We will pay the price but we will not count the cost..

RE: Microsoft buying Activision Blizzard in $68.7B deal

admars (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 18th January 2022, 22:54

yeh, I didn't realise that Minecraft was owned by MS now, and still available on PlayStation as it's one of the most profitable games there!

I guess I was thinking like when they bought Bungie to have Halo exclusive, or Sony and Naughty Dog for Uncharted  etc, which were much smaller scale.

so perhaps it's not as obvious as I thought.

RE: Microsoft buying Activision Blizzard in $68.7B deal

Gareth Williams (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 18th January 2022, 23:02

It will be just like the Bethesda deal:

Anything already released on other platforms will remain on those platforms.
Anything announced as coming to other platforms will be released on those platforms.
Everything else will be exclusive.

Tbh this deal means little to me. I was never interested in WoW and I haven't played any CoD crap in about 10 years. It would be nice to have THPS and newer Crash titles on Steam, though, which is more likely now.

RE: Microsoft buying Activision Blizzard in $68.7B deal

Si Wooldridge (Reviewer) posted this on Tuesday, 18th January 2022, 23:38

Gareth Williams says...
"Tbh this deal means little to me. I was never interested in WoW and I haven't played any CoD crap in about 10 years. It would be nice to have THPS and newer Crash titles on Steam, though, which is more likely now."

Me neither, think the last CoD I played was the original MW and that was when I was in a clan...


Si Wooldridge

RE: Microsoft buying Activision Blizzard in $68.7B deal

Si Wooldridge (Reviewer) posted this on Tuesday, 18th January 2022, 23:40

admars says...
"I suspect it will be like Bethesda, any current games, well under way, will be finished, but they won't release future games, on PlayStation, why would they, they'll want them as an exclusive so ppl buy the console and their games."

Not sure I agree wholly with this.

I think there will be timed exclusives but that's it.  Look at Sony, they've now belatedly realised that the PC market is huge, so not sure Microsoft will cut their nose off to spite their face here - particularly as the gaming pass has no competitor and I suspect that's more important in terms of profit.


Si Wooldridge

RE: Microsoft buying Activision Blizzard in $68.7B deal

sj (Elite) posted this on Friday, 21st January 2022, 18:29

"I confirmed our intent to honour all existing agreements upon acquisition of Activision Blizzard and our desire to keep Call of Duty on PlayStation."


We will pay the price but we will not count the cost..

Thanks from: admars

RE: Microsoft buying Activision Blizzard in $68.7B deal

admars (Elite) posted this on Monday, 31st January 2022, 22:31

not quite the same league...

Sony to acquire Destiny developer Bungie in $3.6 billion deal

what next Nintendo to buy Psygnosis?

This item was edited on Monday, 31st January 2022, 22:32

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